Medicaid (MassHealth) Community Care Cooperative
Community Medicaid (also known as Community MassHealth) is a governmental program that helps pay for at-home care for seniors in the community in an effort to allow them to remain in their home. Clinical eligibility for community-based programs is evaluated along with the assessment of financial criteria which is often required to qualify in order to receive the maximum amount of services at home.
There are two main programs when it comes to Community Medicaid (MassHealth) known as MassHealth Standard and CommonHealth, each with different qualifications and eligibility requirements. It is imperative to hire experienced professionals to help navigate the complicated rules and regulations to qualify you for Community Medicaid benefits.
The team of Case Managers at Senior Resource Center will guide you and your family through the steps toward qualification, regardless of the status of ones’ income or assets. A common misconception regarding Community Medicaid (MassHealth) is that having assets, such as owning a house, will disqualify an individual from receiving benefits; however this is not always the case. With the analysis of Medicaid experts from Senior Resource Center, our team will help restructure your estate to help qualify you or your family for benefits.
In most cases, the team of Case Managers and Medicaid experts at Senior Resource Center is able to help clients become eligible for an array of Community Medicaid programs, some of which being:
- Community Choices Program
- Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program
- Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- Caregiver Homes Program
- Adult Foster Care
- Adult Day Health Programs

Medicaid (MassHealth) Planning & Long Term Care Solutions
Medicaid (MassHealth) Planning
Medicaid (MassHealth) planning is the process of protecting assets and obtaining benefits in the event of a costly long term nursing home stay or for care and services provided at the home.
Long Term Care Medicaid (MassHealth)
There are several long-term care resources available to families, however it can be difficult to navigate the rules and regulations surrounding Medicaid (MassHealth) laws.
Initial Consultations Are At No Cost
Take advantage of Senior Resource Center, Inc.’s unique multi-disciplinary approach of uniting health care coordination and advocacy, asset preservation and financial guidance2, as well as legal overview1, under one roof. Our comprehensive planning process will help you make the decisions you need to help secure your family in your retirement years and beyond. Call Today or use the quick Contact Form below.You have reached the limit of submissions you can make. Please call us.