96-year-old WWII vet visits SC grave of fallen soldier who saved his life

CAMDEN, S.C. (WCSC/WIS) – Mission accomplished: A World War II soldier who traveled from Boston to South Carolina paid his respects to the fellow soldier who saved his life.

For Anthony Grasso, it was a moment that was more than 75 years in the making…

“Nobody but me and him know what we went through that final day,” Grasso said. “And I’m glad I had a chance to pay my respects to the man that saved my life. God bless him.”


Lt. Frank DuBose was 24 when an artillery attack killed him instantly on Nov. 2, 1944. Anthony Grasso, an Army private and DuBose’s radio man, said DuBose stood between him and the artillery, saving Grasso’s life. (WIS)

Source: 96-year-old WWII vet visits SC grave of fallen soldier who saved his life

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