What You Need to Know About Medicare Open Enrollment

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So you survived the Halloween tricksters and pumpkin smashing goblins but that’s not the end to the frights this time of year, it’s also Open Enrollment time for Medicare (Oct. 15th thru Dec. 7th).  The time of year when Medicare beneficiaries must choose a new supplement or prescription plan or decide to remain with their current coverage.  Your mailbox may be flooded with a seemingly endless stream of official looking envelops demanding your IMMEDIATE RESPONSE from one insurance company after another, each more confusing or bewitching than the last.  

This dizzying array of plans and enticements from advertisers makes it nearly impossible for the average consumer to make informed decisions about their coverage.  Should you keep your current coverage or take a chance on the new shiny plan being offered through a slick brochure and a celebrity endorsement?

Because the subject can be so confusing and people are naturally fearful of losing access to their health care, many Medicare recipients choose to stick with what they have.  While sticking with your current coverage may be the right choice in the end, you can’t know for sure unless you get the information needed to compare the various plans and options.  

There is enough change in the costs associated with Medicare Prescription plans and Supplemental policies from one year to the next that it makes sense for most every Medicare recipient to review their coverage. You really need to look at all the costs associated with your coverage, not just premiums; there are also changes to copays and deductibles as well that can greatly affect your total out of pocket expenses.

If you are comfortable with the internet you can visit www.medicare.gov and use their online tool to help you compare all available Medicare Supplemental and Prescription policies.  There you will be able to view actual dollar pricing for your specific medications so you will know exactly what you will pay for your prescriptions next year, and you can compare copays and deductible amounts.  Do you know how much it will cost you if your doctor says you need lab work or an x-ray?  You can find that out with the Medicare Plan Finder tool.

If you prefer to speak directly with a knowledgeable counselor there are trained volunteers in nearly every community ready to assist you with comparing your options for the coming year. You can reach a certified Medicare Counselor by calling MassOptions at 1-800-243-4636.

And if you are a client of ours or want to learn more, please call (617)-472-6600 and ask for Dan Sullivan our Case Manager.  Dan will make sure you get the answers you need to make the best, informed decision for you or your loved one.

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